This is A WORLD OUT OF MIND, my Online Journal where I explore Consciousness and the Ultimate Nature of Reality by the intentional alteration of my own belief structures, using Salvia Divinorum and additional self-altering meditational techniques drawn from Western Ceremonial Magic.

I always attempt to adhere to the scientific method as much as possible in my explorations, and while I often speak of these experiences as if I knew they were Truth, I always consider the alternative, that it is merely self-deception on my part, and think accordingly. Thus I maintain two parallel world views at once, one aspirational and one a safe fallback into standard materialism.

The more I journey into salviaspace, the more I think the former worldview is the correct one, but there is no objective way to prove that to the world, so I'll let you, the reader, decide for yourselves.

-Saint Brian the Godless

Follow me on Twitter @AWorldOutOfMind

Monday, October 19, 2020

Selecting the Next Moment Universe out of the many possible ones (as I believe we do all the time)

(A very brief post. It's been a very long time, sorry. I will post here sporadically as I feel able to. Things that I think have significance.) 


One thing I did recently. Took my salvia, then meditated. Listened to sound of running air conditioner. I get super-calm and silent inside and my ability to "pay attention" just becomes astounding, like a laser, but also aware of all peripheral sounds, tiny noises etc. So I analyze the sound and it's many sounds combined. Among them is a very faint high-pitched whine. I concentrated on that whine, and only on that whine. I really managed to only hear the whine. And it got louder, and louder, **in the real world.** It got so loud that I decided to listen instead for the silence, the normal sound, to listen for a nearby place where it wasn't screaming loud. And I found it, and the actual noise went down back to normal, exactly as I was "willing" it to. So then, I re-ran the experiment, again listening for the whine, hearing it etc, and YET AGAIN I got the AC to whine like a bastard, and once again I stopped it, as before. I could feel what I was doing. I was hearing not only events in my timeline, but in many such, but the more different they were than my main ones, the less I could hear them, and only the stillness of salvia let me hear the really different one where my AC was making noise. I've had other things happen in the past, many such things, that could be explained in this way. I really think this might be a real thing. 


 "If you lived forever and there was nothing else but you but you had a very good imagination, in an eternity of time, how good could your imagination get? How realistic? Could such a being, or would it at some point, subsume itself into it's own imagination so that perhaps eventually, in the utterly realistic minds of it's imaginings, a role-reversal would occur and they would not be able to tell that they are really the eternal dream of one eternal being."