This is A WORLD OUT OF MIND, my Online Journal where I explore Consciousness and the Ultimate Nature of Reality by the intentional alteration of my own belief structures, using Salvia Divinorum and additional self-altering meditational techniques drawn from Western Ceremonial Magic.

I always attempt to adhere to the scientific method as much as possible in my explorations, and while I often speak of these experiences as if I knew they were Truth, I always consider the alternative, that it is merely self-deception on my part, and think accordingly. Thus I maintain two parallel world views at once, one aspirational and one a safe fallback into standard materialism.

The more I journey into salviaspace, the more I think the former worldview is the correct one, but there is no objective way to prove that to the world, so I'll let you, the reader, decide for yourselves.

-Saint Brian the Godless

Follow me on Twitter @AWorldOutOfMind

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

That Damned Glow Again

Last night for the first time in a while I allowed myself to take enough salvia to go into a closed-eye vision state. I'd taken a short break to assimilate my last trip, which was a bad one involving my consciousness being stretched into a long sheet and being drawn inexorably into what felt like some massive cosmic pulley of some sort, where I knew (due to INTENSE deja-vu) that I would undergo a *snap* or sudden intense pressure that would obliterate my personality, and then I opened my eyes as the room around me fractured in many places showing black chaos seeping through; what I've come to call the "Outer Darkness." My reality was dissolving, or seemed to be at any rate. What I mean is, it seemed that my whole life was revealed as a shallow masturbatory dream and it was over now so I could see how utterly ridiculously false it all was, and in reality I was the sole existing being/consciousness in the universe, once again consigned to an utterly lonely existance. It felt very real... Let's just say that it wasn't fun.

So I was mildly tripping last night, testing the cosmic waters as it were, closed eyes, having a vision, and I clearly recall that my mind was doing many different things at the same time, as if it were several orders of magnitude more complex than it actually is. This is hard to describe; I felt like my intellect was this enormous, convoluted thing, perhaps something vaguely like an office building full of many busy people all working on diverse, highly complex tasks, only I was each and every one of them all at once, and amazingly I was (at the time) not only aware of being all of them at once but also aware of all the minute details of each of their many complex projects! (Those details were the first thing to go as I gradually left this state; I could feel the memories of them bleed out of me against my will; the only memory left was the memory of having all those myriad other complex thoughts with no salient details left.)

As I gradually came 'back' to my reality it felt like I was forced into giving most of that vast seemingly-polymathic mind up in order to 'fit' into my self here. (hard to explain) Then on coming back to my usual reality in my bedroom and upon opening my eyes, I began to see a whitish glow come into the room. I sensed that it was no different from previous greenish glows. I get the strong impression that these glowing fields are, or at least feel like, spatial distortions of some kind, like induced ripples or interfaces in the consciousness-fabric of my/our reality, and not merely glowing hallucinatory spherical fields of light. I don't only see them; I also feel them pass through my body as they move through me, as if they distorted the geometry of my being as they passed. And then, yet again, and completely unexpected, it happened! As the glowing, expanding sphere of light progressed by me and through me and moved toward my dog asleep on the nearby corner of the bed and started to make contact with him, he instantly awakened with a noticable start and literally ran diagonally to the back corner of the bed, farthest away from me and the light, behind my sleeping wife. He literally raced ahead of the glow to get back there, and then cowered in place. He didn't just move away from the glow this time; he actually panicked and ran away from it.

I called out to my wife and awakened her (in the traditional manner!) and told her that once again "it" had happened, and she (unsurprised at this point) noted that the dog was indeed plainly terrified, hunkered down in that far corner. So I had seen the glow come into the room in the usual manner, if not the usual color, but the dog reacted more violently than ever before in the past. There was no sound that might have startled it; I was just sitting there in my chair, very still and very quiet, serene beyond belief as it was happening, and only realized that the glow had awakened and frightened the dog *as that occurred.* In other words, I was so relaxed that I didn't even anticipate anything unusual happening and only came to full awareness of the fact that once again my meditations were having a subjective (of sorts) real-world effect, as it happened and not before. The dog's reaction was startling enough to me to bring me to immediate full awareness. I had clear recall of all that transpired. There can be no mistake here: something is happening that is not explained by or even allowed by the normal consensual view of this universe. This place cannot be what it appears to be. I am still not 100% convinced, not a complete "believer," being a skeptic by nature, and so I will still "experiment" along these lines and continue to observe the reactions of my wife and dog, but really, this happens consistantly, every time I see the glow. Not once have I seen it come into the room as it does from time to time and *not* awaken (or at least visibly disturb) either the dog, my wife, or both. This time, it had an even more pronounced effect.

Something unusual and atypical is going on here, and it's not me imagining it. This reality simply cannot be merely dead matter and energy and space and time as we believe it to be, cannot be a "billiard-ball Universe" as we most often conclude that it must be. I am rapidly coming to the conclusion that it must instead have its ultimate basis in consciousness. It certainly seems to me that this universe, this reality, must somehow be purely psychological in nature. Consiousness has to be the ground of all being. Nothing else can adequately explain what is happening to me.


  1. I want to read your posts, but you've got to break them up into paragraphs.

    "Anyway, go to the screen where you type in new posts. On the right hand side is a list of menus for various settings, click on the one that says Options and has a gear icon. At the bottom of the menu is the option for Line Breaks. Default (when they forced you to change) is “Use
    tag”, change it to “Press Enter for line breaks”. Click “done”. Presto, paragraph breaks where you want them." --copied off the net


    I read your latest post. Very interesting. I've been looking for examples of salvia reality breaking into our material world.

  2. Is that my problem! I tried it, and I think that will work, thank you.

  3. Did it! This post had line breaks, but they only showed up in the draft... so I changed it as you said, and we have breaks!

    I'll be visiting your blog again as well, btw. Not many people on our page, so to speak.

  4. I read your latest post. Very interesting. I've been looking for examples of salvia reality breaking into our material world.
    Has anything like this ever happened to you? Or have you spoken with anybody else who has experienced something similar? I've run across a couple of experience reports here and there, one on DrugsForum, wherein the author claims real-world effects from his trips. One person claimed to see a malignant entity of some sort coming out of his TV screen the next day after he tripped, and his sister saw it too... That's a stretch for me to believe though, but hey, considering my experiences, I can't eliminate the possibility that it may be a real story and not BS... Salvia usually doesn't cause flashbacks, but I've seen a couple of reports that claim otherwise...

  5. No, nothing like that has happened to me (yet). The "black chaos seeping through" is interesting. A guy named 'FrenchMachine' talked about salvia beings having to close up black openings in the visual. Apparently, we disturb the Matrix, and salvia beings are forced to 'fix' our incursions into the program.

    Don't be surprised if one day you're tripping and the salvia beings attempt to speak through your wife's vocal cords.

    Good salvia sites:

    I stopped visiting these sites because I've reached 'salvia trip' overload.

  6. About the "Outer Darkness..." I explained some of how that looks to someone else a few posts back, so I'll paste it in here for you to see:

    "The night before last I saw it. Imagine me sitting there in bed, upright, and looking around the room, and it's just like the reality around me is fractured, with cracks in it everywhere, and leaking out of the cracks is pure blackness, the absence of all light. You can't see through it, either. It's like solid black slow-moving flames sometimes, or unmoving pseudopods at other times. It's just like reality is fracturing, coming apart, and the "outer darkness" is leaking in through the cracks."

    "That time, night before last, one such rigid pseudopod of it extended from the headboard at my immediate right, between me and my wife, into the room about two feet or more. I could not see my wife through it. It was three-dimensional, like frozen smoke, only totally black and opaque. It just stayed there for quite a while. (There were also many others all around the room, but this one was the closest to me, hence easiest to examine.)
    It was almost like the room was a tank filled with water in a larger tank of black crude oil, and it just cracked all over the place letting the black oil in in clouds, but they were frozen in place."

    I have even once managed to control the state of my vision so that small "flames" of this "Outer Darkness" were playing amongst the fingers of my hands, looking like jet black slow-moving flames through which I could not see my own fingers. They were each only about an inch or so long, but there were many of them all over my hands, just sort of "frolicking" around my fingers. Very cool.

  7. Good report. Do you ever trip in the dark? I rarely trip in the light (or with anyone around me). I shut off as much outside interferences as I can. Have you ever noticed that the room you are in while tripping is composed of tiny 'elves', etc?

    1. Sometimes, but I usually do it with a light on. Most of my experimentation is in regards to whether my SD visions can affect realty, so I like to be able to see reality as I trip. When I can manage to open my eyes while tripping, it really gets interesting.

      I have sensed something similar to your elves, but they seemed to me to be just small beings of some kind, very small indeed, bodiless, many of them, and they were working all the time, ceaselessly. Perhaps I was tapping into the multiplicity of different kinds of consciousnesses involved in presenting reality as it is to us. I sensed them as if from far away. though they were not. It was a while back, and I haven't sensed it since.

    2. I have even tripped (but only to the point where my vision is distorted, not to the point where I lose consciousness) and taken the dog for a walk. Many times. Fantastic. Walking in the moonlight at night on SD. Or even on a sunny day. Everything is so vibrant and alive. At night I can hear a cricket fifty feet away as if it were right next to me. The senses become incredibly acute.

  8. This morning I was still asleep in bed. My wife had awakened so as to let me sleep in. I had smoked SD the night before, but not a lot. So she was bustling about with my son, and of course they were making various noises. So I noted in my light sleep, without any excitement, being asleep after all, that I was sensing the noises just before they happened. Then I sensed (like hearing it in my head) a door slamming. About three seconds later a door slammed out in the house. (my son had slammed it) Now this is important: The sound was identical, the same sound precisely, and I am not mistaken about me hearing it, and everything else for that matter, before it happened. I am very certain of that. It was a lot like I was having a dream, but reality conformed to it a few seconds later, like I had a sound track in my head and the identical sound track was also playing outside the bedroom with a three second delay. Reality seemed to be following *my script.*
    Then I realized what the fuck was happening and THAT woke me up to full consciousness.

    I heard that door slam just before it did slam. I know that I did. The slamming of the door awakened me to full consciousness, right at the point where I could recall all that had happened in the dream for the previous minutes. It was the realization that I'd literally heard it twice that shocked me into waking up when I heard it (for real.)

    My meditations and experiences with SD are getting more and more interesting.

  9. The slamming of the door awakened me to full consciousness, right at the point where I could recall all that had happened in the dream for the previous minutes. It was the realization that I'd literally heard it twice that shocked me into waking up when I heard it.

    1. St. Brian wrote:
      "I have sensed something similar to your elves, but they seemed to me to be just small beings of some kind, very small indeed, bodiless, many of them, and they were working all the time, ceaselessly. Perhaps I was tapping into the multiplicity of different kinds of consciousnesses involved in presenting reality as it is to us. I sensed them as if from far away. though they were not. It was a while back, and I haven't sensed it since."


      That's f**king interesting. I've seen the same thing. They scurry around like little replicated jitterbugs; all working in unison to perform some programmed task. What the hell is that all about?

    2. If I recall, they're more common on DMT. I think. I remember there's one drug that shows them to people very often...
