This is A WORLD OUT OF MIND, my Online Journal where I explore Consciousness and the Ultimate Nature of Reality by the intentional alteration of my own belief structures, using Salvia Divinorum and additional self-altering meditational techniques drawn from Western Ceremonial Magic.

I always attempt to adhere to the scientific method as much as possible in my explorations, and while I often speak of these experiences as if I knew they were Truth, I always consider the alternative, that it is merely self-deception on my part, and think accordingly. Thus I maintain two parallel world views at once, one aspirational and one a safe fallback into standard materialism.

The more I journey into salviaspace, the more I think the former worldview is the correct one, but there is no objective way to prove that to the world, so I'll let you, the reader, decide for yourselves.

-Saint Brian the Godless

Follow me on Twitter @AWorldOutOfMind

Thursday, July 11, 2013

The Ultimate Pranayama

Last night:

Sitting upright on my straight-back chair in the bedroom as usual. Dog is resting at my left on the near corner of the bed. I descend into salvia space and begin pranayama, basic breathing exercises. I close my eyes and relax into the feeling for a minute or so and then re-open them. I now see my reality around me breathing with me. As I exhale, the room around me bows outward with my breath, and flexes back inward with each inhalation. A very beautiful state to be in. Reminiscent of Neo in "The Matrix" at the moment where he achieved mastery of the Matrix and of Agent Smith. His inhalation, with the accompanying special effect of the world around him bowing inward, captures the sensation closely enough.

I continue with this, noticing how the furniture and other fixtures in the room actually shift sideways, either to the left or the right, as the room expands. I notice that this effect doesn't end at my skin, either. I am also expanding and contracting, more so than just my respiration would normally cause. Then I begin to perceive that the room around me, and my body, are one material, a flexible, semirigid almost gel-like pseudosubstance, which I interpreted as the substance of consciousness itself, how I perceive it, the texture that I assign it. The very texture of dreams. I can expand or contract any part of it at will, and lengthen or contract parts of this space, but I also realized that only I would be able to see this because I am only affecting the structure of the dream that is reality and not its contents. At least, only I *should be* able to see this. Thus a ruler on the floor might look longer or shorter to me, but it is still twelve inches long; it is the dream itself that I am seemingly affecting, the dream that is reality, thus any measurements of said space in said reality would not reflect my actions upon it, as such measurements can only be done within that very dream world that I am affecting the very basis of. My efforts would only be apparent from the "outside" of reality, in salvia space. Or so it would seem.

I also note to myself that this doesn't seem to bother the dog any. He's not asleep, but he's resting and looks back at me quizzically as I look toward him. Nothing unusual here, nor did I expect there to be.

As I go even deeper, eyes still open, small additional dose of salvia, I start to focus upon a point on the grille of the air filter in front of me off to my right. I start to see and feel the space torquing, twisting in a curve, eventually a semicircular twist, distorting the horizontal slats of the grille. Then it twists about in an almost violent manner, seeming to distort space itself, and several crack-like lines or perhaps edges of folds of some sort, appear in the air before me. One of them, seemingly a fold of spatial distortion, or more likely a fold *in the dream of space,* a fold in the dream which *is* space, approaches my faithful doggy friend to my left.

Now he bolts! And moreover, as it was happening, as that twist approached his side of me, I *knew* that he would bolt. He runs diagonally across the bed, over my wife's legs, and sits in the farthest corner away from me. Hardly typical behavior, but typical when daddy's on salvia apparently.

At this point I snap myself out of it on reflex and call out to my sleeping spouse, bless her heart, to tell her that *it* had happened yet again. This I do not for her benefit, but for mine. If I can tell her, I get to keep the memories. This works in two ways; she generally remembers the gist of what I told her, and when I can make the effort to tell her, I generally remember it myself as well. I've tried voice recorders; no way. Too distracting.

She wishes I didn't fuck with the dog's mind. He's emotionally delicate. I try to tell her that I don't do it on purpose.

As an aside, at one point when I was both perceiving reality as having an almost gel-like texture (but really almost nothing like a gel; words are insufficient to describe this,) and as I was also starting to play around with the space around me, and was almost lost in a swirl of complex imagery and perceptions, I had a piercing insight. Something about the "gel," about the texture of reality that I was perceiving. It was like I directly intuitively understood what it was, and thus what it implied reality was. I knew in that moment that I knew one of the deepest secrets of the universe. Then the fight began to keep that memory, but I was in too deep to dredge it back up with me. Salvia seems to allow you to get to very deep levels of reality where you learn incredible things, but getting back out with what you have learned is another thing entirely.


  1. I've experienced the 'gel', what I call electri-fried jelly. To me the gel is what our brain/minds become so that we as trippers can maneuver through hallucinogenic space. I think there is something objective and physical going on here. The gel is required because it has to deal with a physical realm. Just my 2 cents.

  2. For me it's kinda like a jello mold, in that it vibrates and flexes, but you can't distort it or rip it by say, moving your arm through it, because your arm is also a part of it and made of it, and it acts like a 3-D pixel chamber, projecting to me the holograph that I mistake for the real world, my body included. I think in reality is has no texture, it's just consciousness, but we give it texture by trying to understand it in familiar terms. It is insubstantial, but we can feel it. We can only feel it, because we are also insubstantial; we are made of it. Everything is. And btw, it's not really "out there" outside my brain, outside my body. It's all in the mind. It's in the mind; there is no "out there" at all.

    1. "3-D pixel chamber" -- Yeah, I get that.

      I don't really care if it's inside the mind or outside the mind. Something fascinating is going on. When the scientists were figuring out the double helix, it was fascinating. The fact that the research and discovery all took place in some insubstantial mind(s) doesn't take away from the process. I'm all about the process. To me, whether the process occurs in a substantial universe or in an insubstantial Mind is secondary.

  3. Another way I confirm this to myself, at least as much as I can: When I meditate on low doses and see anything happen, say a fish moving in my aquarium, or my wife walk by the room, I also literally *feel* it happen in my mind. I can feel the squirming motion of the fish, I can feel my wife's movements, as if not only are they "out there" but as if there were tiny versions of the fish, of my wife, doing those motions in my mind. I feel it in a quite physical manner, the motion is twinned. It seems to me that the version that I perceive as being "out there" outside my body, is false. The real version is the one happening inside my mind.

  4. Burningmouth said: "To me the gel is what our brain/minds become so that we as trippers can maneuver through hallucinogenic space."
    Look at what you just said. We are describing the same thing in different ways. To you it's what our brains/minds become; to me it's just what they really, actually, always are in the first place; we just don't normally get to see it. We see the dream, but on SD we can see more of what's behind the scenes. The higher the dosage, the deeper behind those scenes we can see, but conversely, much like the quantum physics dilemma of the measurement problem, the more we can see, the less we can recall afterwards. I guess that's why I do so many low-dose meditations, because you can still see some unreal things, but you can see them with nearly full presence of mind and much better recall. In addition to that, what you see is more easily understood, since it's closer to our dream-reality in nature. Closer to what we know, what is familiar. Less foreign and weird.

    1. I would rather go deeper and recall little, than go shallow and recall everything.
      (above quote available now for $19.95. Please note shirt size at check-out)

  5. Cute. And I do that too. Go deep, from time to time. But the middle and shallow depths have much to offer as well. However, I'm hardly a zen master sage that needs to be listened to... this is new ground here, so who's to say who is right and who is wrong, eh?

  6. St, B wrote -- "I'm hardly a zen master sage that needs to be listened to... this is new ground here, so who's to say who is right and who is wrong, eh?"

    Zen master say, "Anyone who cling to right or wrong, get shit stick up ass." :)

  7. Ah yes, the world-famous zen master "Chuang-Tzu the Silly."


  8. Had an amazing multidimensional experience last night... a very powerful experience in which I felt myself in more than one world at once and saw people in the other ones, going about their business. Multiple "planes" of existence overlaid, occupying the same place at the same time... I'll write about it soon.
    I really am getting the impression that since there are infinite alternate worlds, that perhaps, just perhaps, we, as in our consciousnesses, our "I AM's," occupy more than one at once. I mean, why not? If there are many, many worlds in which the differences are slight enough that we are basically identical in them to what we are in this one, why can we not just be conscious of both at once? Or a million of them, for that matter? If the differences are not noticeable, then we are basically identical. So maybe we're actually conscious of not just one, but a multitude of universes at once, and mistake it, the superposition of nearly identical worlds, as merely one world. I need to think more on this. It seems right somehow.

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  10. Almost every time I come out of the salvia world I have this desire to dig through internet blogs, news articles, scientific papers trying to find someone that knows how amazing this plant is. I am often disappointed when many people tell their horror stories. I am glad that there are people like yourself that are able to connect with this plant.

    Lately the afterglow has become very interesting for me. I feel like I can sense peoples personalities and be more empathetic towards them. My mind is clear and organized. Often after salvia I have cleaned my room or apartment. I begin to notice how my day to day emotions lead to destructive patterns. Salvia wipes those emotions away and silences my inner perfectionism and anxiety.

    I wish there was a way to capture just a fraction of salvia thoughts in every day life.
