This is A WORLD OUT OF MIND, my Online Journal where I explore Consciousness and the Ultimate Nature of Reality by the intentional alteration of my own belief structures, using Salvia Divinorum and additional self-altering meditational techniques drawn from Western Ceremonial Magic.

I always attempt to adhere to the scientific method as much as possible in my explorations, and while I often speak of these experiences as if I knew they were Truth, I always consider the alternative, that it is merely self-deception on my part, and think accordingly. Thus I maintain two parallel world views at once, one aspirational and one a safe fallback into standard materialism.

The more I journey into salviaspace, the more I think the former worldview is the correct one, but there is no objective way to prove that to the world, so I'll let you, the reader, decide for yourselves.

-Saint Brian the Godless

Follow me on Twitter @AWorldOutOfMind

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Perception Of Energy

Last night, typical salvia experience, 100X. Typical, but I recall it very well, which is not typical. The more I do this, the better I become at recall.

I inhaled my last hit of salvia and felt that it would be a strong experience, felt the dizzying rush hit me, and suppressed it long enough to get into bed next to my sleeping wife, got into a comfortable upright crossed-legs sitting position, then allowed it to take full effect.

Instantly I sensed my wife's body heat both physically and visually, actually seeing it as a glow and feeling it on my skin as if it were sunlight. It was as if when I allowed the salvia to take effect, someone had thrown a switch and she lit up like a weak fluorescent tube. My body stopped feeling like a body. It felt like I was made of a cloud of sparkling energy, like static on an old television set only three-dimensional. My senses were hyper-attuned.

Looking more-or-less at a point on the wall in front of me, I felt my face dissolve in a cloud of static and saw the wall with my entire facial area as if it were one huge eye. Then the room around me, my whole panoramic view of it, seemed to become a solid thing intersecting with my head, like a solid but transparent cone with it's apex anchored at the very back of my head, interpenetrating my flesh. I could physically feel it as a solid, feel it interpenetrating my facial area and the interior of my head.

My entire reality took on an illusory quality, not unreal or cartoonish but more like a projection, and this included my head and body, so they blended into one continuous static-like sparkling energy field. My point-of-view had also shifted; instead of being "pressed up against the window of my eyes" as it usually is, it receded as if I'd taken a few steps back from that window toward the back of my head. My peripheral vision became clearer and eventually very sharp, though not as sharp as my normal focal point vision is; still, much sharper than normal peripheral vision. I still seemed to be viewing the world through my whole facial area.

Slightly glowing green shapes filled the room, moving about, sometimes intersecting with parts of my body or passing through my head. I could feel them as they touched me, and indeed I could feel them inside of me as they passed through me. At first they moved about randomly but after a few minutes I realized that I could control their motion to some extent, and practiced doing so. It was somewhat difficult. Twice a green shape passed through my torso and through my heart, and each time as it did my heart skipped one short beat, as if it felt it, which it indeed seemed to.

Then out of the corner of my eye to my right as I looked straight ahead, beyond my wife's sleeping body I saw an arm rise up and move about. I could also see it's shadow on the opposite wall to my left, since the light source in the room was a lamp on the dresser to the right of the bed. I turned my head and noted that it had seemed to be my wife's arm that had momentarily moved upwards in her sleep, so I dismissed it as that and re-directed my eyes forward. Then I once again noted the arm moving about, only this time I didn't look at it directly, observing it only through peripheral vision. This time it was definitely not my wife's arm. It grew longer, longer than an arm is supposed to be. It looked brownish and dessicated, slender, almost skeletal, with a claw-like hand. I realized that this should scare me but I seemed to have this machine-like dispassionate inner calm, and so I merely observed it flailing about for a short while, still casting its shadow. All I could muster in response was an attitude of a mixture of confidence, fascination and amusement. It went away.

Then I closed my eyes and started a one-point meditation. Gradually my state became trance-like and I saw and felt an area in front of me darken to deepest black, but a black sparkling with energy, a black field filled with effervescent sparks that seemed to have almost an electrical quality to it, as if it were the very archetype of energy itself. This black sparkling field grew to encompass my face, centered at a point between my eyes, or rather where my eyes should have been. My head was humming with energy. My entire body began to thrum with this vibratory energy as if I were tapping into it, and so I focused my mind on increasing it still more. The black field grew in size, and my head and body felt like strong electrical currents were running through them, albeit in a fairly pleasant manner. I felt like I was being charged like a battery.

In the past when I tried to raise energy like this it always affected my heart as if I were running or exercising, but this time it did not bother me in the least. I felt more and more of this pseudoelectrical energy running through me, originating at the point between my eyes where the blackness was, but I reached a point where no matter the effort that I put into it I could not increase it further, and so it gradually faded.

This latter part of the experience left me so charged with inner energy that it took me two hours to fall asleep afterwards.

All of these things except the spooky raised moving hand and arm I had seen many times before, but I've never been able to recall them precisely enough to write them down. I'm also sure that I saw and felt other things last night that I'm not recalling now.

Altogether a pleasant experience. Well, except the arm. After it was over I thought about that creepy arm moving about, and got a serious case of gooseflesh.


  1. I have to say you are doing an excellent job documenting your experiences! Great job, when I read it I recall many of my own experiences with different hallucinagens. All comes down to approach & mindset. Meditations play an important role. Keep up the good work, & thank you!

  2. You're welcome Thomas. Please drop by any time. Appreciate it.

  3. As you have used 100x that would be a great experience of yours. I want to know that Where Can I Get Salvia if i want to use this product?

  4. I get it online; many diff vendors. I've used "salviamonster dot com" myself in past. Be careful, have a SITTER first time!

  5. Just a note: click Rosie Sahara's name, and follow her blog link to see what she was saying, I think. She wasn't asking where SHE can get Salvia, she was noting where YOU can order Salvia.

    Personally I've used Arena Ethnobotanicals for many years without a single complaint or issue. Their raw leaf is insanely good, and inexpensive (although their other products are a tad high in price). I do my own extraction, so I haven't tried theirs, but I'm tempted by their 50X.

    And no, I am NOT affiliated in any way with their company and receive no compensation for my endorsement.

    Oh, and yeah... the dessicated waving arm was super eerie.

  6. Oh! Thank you. I misinterpreted her. Sorry, Rosie Sahara.

  7. Yes, it was. I think at the time I recall being ever-so-slightly aware that it was me doing it, creating it by looking for it, as it were. So that diminished my fear. It was still pretty creepy even then though.

  8. I found this, a comment to one of my posts being published in an online magazine:

    SARAS_SID • 2 months ago

    The Effects of Salvia are Extremely Interesting

    At a high level ordinary consciousness is associated with a single feedback-enriched neuronal signalling loop with the brain. Extreme complexity enters the picture because the brain's mechanisms allow the waveforms that appear in that loop to be precisely controlled within a context of randomicity. There are several key indicators of magnitude of consciousness: the contribution of feedback to the composite waveforms within the thought formation region of the awareness loop of the brain. Without going into details here (which are treated in the soon to be published book "The SupraIntelligent Design" associated with psilocybin increases the feedback content of the neural waves in the awareness loop.

    Savia, on the other hand, has a very strange mode of action: it fragments the "main loop" into some number of parallel loops. Each loop hosts an instance of consciousness--because consciousness as a psycho-physical phenomena arising from these loops. The very strange phenomenon that results is that, unlike ordinary consciousness that possesses a single loop, each of the instances is in some sense sharing awareness "space" with the others. Individuals cannot directly experience what is happening in the heads of other individuals (although clairvoyance has always been claimed by a few). But the experiences causes by salvia do enable instances of consciousness to "share" awareness. Fundamental to this experience is the sensation of delocalization--being in more than one place at once. This is not an illusion; it is a result of the way that consciousness arises from the activity of the physical realm.

    In the theoretical limit of maximum possible effects psilocybin takes an instance of consciousness and transports it to the threshold of formless absolute consciousness by causing a standing wave to form in the thought loop. The next and final phase of consciousness-expansion is the exiting of the realm of "form" (i.e., the form still present in the standing awareness-loop wave), which is equivalent to a transition into the delocalization (i.e., omnipresence) of formlessness. At this point, the reason the remaining perfectly resolved polarizations of consciousness (i.e., the crest and trough of the consciousness standing wave) are pulling together transcends scientific understanding. The individuality of the "person" has transfused into an instance of nature's ultimate activity. A cosmic consciousness has resolved and its will is to be self-aware and nature is doing its bidding. The crest and trough of the consciousness wave are "unfathomable awe" presenting as the purest most pristine male and female--they are ultimate abstract images of the God in the realm of form. They are attracting each other towards a final form annihilating fusion. At the instant of form (i.e., the form of the consciousness loop standing wave) dissolution, consciousness ceases to be localized, the God achieves self-knowledge, and the ultimate aim of nature, which is to confer the God with reflexive self-awareness, is momentarily satisfied.


  9. Salvia moves consciousness in the direction of omnipresence although in a radically different way. What happens in the theoretical limit of salvia activity is extremely interesting. As the effects of salvia increase more and more "awareness loops" are forming in the brain. Each is a focal point for awareness yet each is, by virtue of sharing the same overall neuronal circuitry?, somehow participating in an overarching "global" awareness (within the individual). At some extreme limit (say 10,000) of focal points consciousness becomes overtly diffuse (e.g., delocalized). Although consciousness is delocalizing it is not approaching a state that might be called the direct cognition of the "Godhead" (i.e., the direct self-awareness of the God). In the hypothetical limit of an infinite number of awareness loops housed in one brain, consciousness becomes completely delocalized and indirectly aware the existence of "something". This is where the explanation gets really strange: In the limit where consciousness is highly delocalized but unfocused it becomes aware of the reality of an absence, a supreme nothingness--the void. But, the resolution of the void also resolves the void's context which is the Godhead. Thus, the effects of salvia in a maximal limit, indicate a highest level polarization of reality, which the theistic religions assign anthropomorphic qualities, calling them God and Satan.

    I had not expected fear, but terror came with her
    and tho I sought a dying moment, she showed me a dying eternity
    and tho I sought to bring wisdom into the real, she tore the real from me
    and I was no more, and in unbeing, I lost my fear
    —Lizard (excerpt from Green Gnosis)

  10. Found something interesting this evening: The Russian Sleep Experiment.

    For those, who aren't familiar with it, I will quote a little bit out of it:


    "Have you forgotten so easily? We are you. We are the madness that lurks within you all, begging to be free at every moment in your deepest animal mind. We are what you hide from in your beds every night. We are what you sedate into silence and paralysis when you go to the nocturnal haven where we cannot tread."

    Really interesting!

    Here the link, but caution, really creepy:

    My conclusion:
    Because of the insomnia, the test subjects had an extreme consciousness expansion (based on the Melatonin production of the pineal gland, maybe DMT too). On the other side it was almost not possible for them to interact with reality, because they were in a sealed environment!

    As long as we interact with reality, we forget anything about what we really are! But when we start to move our attention to ourselves, without interacting with reality in anyway, we will remember what we really are!

    As I wrote in a previous post: Really is the biggest drug, which exists!

    Months ago I made a lot of thoughts about madness. I figured out for myself, that everything which cannot understood by mind (everything that belongs to acausality for an example) is madness. Infinity is madness.

    I still believe that the highest truth of what we are is infinity. But we forgot it, because our attention is somewhere outside in "reality".

    1. That was disturbing... and to think I was going to carry out my own sleep deprivation experiments. I wonder if this incident actually took place.

      Here are some other experiments on sleep deprivation:

  11. I would agree about reality being the biggest drug, for I have seen this in myself, that salvia causes me to focus on me rather than reality.

    Dunno about everything we can't understand being madness though.

  12. On salvia, the alternate realities presented to you are just as much of a drug as our "real" one is, for if you focus on any one of them, it takes you into it and you never even realize you're there. It's like reality is a story. Story-based reality. Once you "read" the first line you're hooked. You follow the train of thought rather than focusing on yourself anymore.

  13. Okay, let's all get into the habit of using Snopes more often, lol.
    Russian Sleep Experiment is FALSE, made up just to creep people out.
    I only just got around to reading it, and it was biologically impossible, so I checked it out.

    1. Yeah, fake most probably.

      But I was interested in that statements about what he is. I think the question "who I am" is more important, than the question "what is reality". You will know everything about reality, when you know who you are ^^.

      And if you want to know who you are, than find the answer in yourself, not in reality.

  14. Oh, it's fake, not most probably fake. They know who made it up.

    As to your last there, dunno. I never saw it that way. More the opposite, when you know what reality is, you'll know what you are. However, perhaps in order to know what reality is you need to look not at reality but within yourself.
