This is A WORLD OUT OF MIND, my Online Journal where I explore Consciousness and the Ultimate Nature of Reality by the intentional alteration of my own belief structures, using Salvia Divinorum and additional self-altering meditational techniques drawn from Western Ceremonial Magic.

I always attempt to adhere to the scientific method as much as possible in my explorations, and while I often speak of these experiences as if I knew they were Truth, I always consider the alternative, that it is merely self-deception on my part, and think accordingly. Thus I maintain two parallel world views at once, one aspirational and one a safe fallback into standard materialism.

The more I journey into salviaspace, the more I think the former worldview is the correct one, but there is no objective way to prove that to the world, so I'll let you, the reader, decide for yourselves.

-Saint Brian the Godless

Follow me on Twitter @AWorldOutOfMind

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Multiple Plane Overlap

Sunday, February 9, 2014
Multiple Plane Overlap

Last night, sitting meditation in upright chair, 100x. Eyes closed at first, then later opened as I came back into my body.

I was very relaxed and calm, when I was suddenly immersed in a maelstrom of sensations that at first was very hard to decipher. I was totally wrapped up in it for a while before I even thought to try, but as I slowly came back to my senses while still in it I realized that what I was experiencing was nothing less than many, many realities all overlapping mine simultaneously.

This is, once again, almost impossible to describe, but the best that I can do is to say that it was a very clear realization of multiple realities all in the same place, as if instead of being tuned to one radio station somehow my radio was picking up all of them at once and playing them all overlapping in a mish-mash. I could see and sense and even feel kinesthetically somehow, many realities all stacked on each other, on me, on the space that my body and mind occupied; a very large number of “other spaces” all at once. Not all of them had me in them; many were occupied by other people, strangers, and perhaps some had other, different versions of me in them, hard to say. Many were definitely occupied, at any rate. Conversations were going on in some of them. I could hear them at the time, but their content was lost to me later, as often happens with salvia.

It was like being underwater in a way, a feeling of being immersed, but not in water but in multiple planes of existence. I did not see and feel one reality after the other sequentially; what I saw and felt was many realities all at once, like superimposed immersive videos. Many seemed to be a version of my room; many were different, seeming to not even be my room at all. Some seemed to not even be inside a building, but outdoors. I could clearly sense other beings, other people being present in many of them, just living their lives, doing things, talking, and so forth.

There were so many realities superimposed one on top of the other that I couldn’t begin to sort them out enough to find the one that I was originally in at first. I was lost in them, in a sensory overload of information stacked on information, senses of people and places that were all superimposed in the same place at the same time.

This was very different from my many experiences of me being personally in multiple planes. In a way it was the opposite. In those experiences I was present in many places at once, in multiple bodies; in this one many “places” were present simultaneously around only one of me.

It was as if I had consciousness of not just my one reality, but all parallel realities that existed in the same space, and there were a lot of them.

Slowly as the salvia effect wore off, I saw/felt my familiar reality getting “louder” in the sense that it was as if it was occupying more “bandwidth” in this experience, and as it started to stand out to me against all the other planes of existence, I concentrated on it and then suddenly I clawed my way (metaphorically) back into my body and my room, like slowly clawing my way out of a river onto the safety of its bank.

So there I sat in my chair, having not moved a muscle throughout all of this, with the maelstrom still raging in front of me but lessening moment by moment, and as seemed to recede, to lessen, those now-familiar glowing lines of spatial distortion began to twist the very space in my bedroom into folds and ripples. As this started to happen, in that exact, precise moment I heard my dog who was sound asleep on the bed all this time about six feet away begin to cry out with soft muffled barks in his sleep as if terrified, and then wake up.

This happened (as usual) at the exact, precise moment that the lines of ‘spatial distortion’ began to twist around the room. As soon as the softly glowing lines of distortion began to reach the approximate point where the dog was sleeping, he started to whine, and then awakened.

This was also in no way premeditated on my part. I didn’t try to awaken the dog. I had the overlapping-realities experience, and then as the room began to distort afterwards, the whining of the dog was just there, acting as a counterpoint to the strange visual effects of the room twisting.

I was motionless and silent as a stone all the time.

So once again, my sleeping dog was awakened, and clearly frightened, by my salvia hallucinations.

I don’t think they’re hallucinations. My skeptical side is starting to have real problems dismissing the fact that the dog or sometimes my wife and the dog are clearly and fairly consistently being disturbed by what science would say was a man sitting in silence having a hallucination.

I think that somehow the effect of the salvia along with me being in meditation, instead of causing me to see things that aren’t really there, are causing me to see things that are really there that my mind was filtering out before. That everybody’s mind filters out.

Again, the only logical conclusion to this is that the Universe is not what it seems, that it is more likely some sort of communal dream state, one with multiple planes of existence. Perhaps a Type III or IV Multiverse, only based in consciousness as it’s ground. Multiple simultaneous intersecting and overlapping communal dream states. After all, my dog isn’t the one taking salvia. If this were the kind of Universe that most people think it is, one of actual matter and energy and time and space, then no other being should be able to sense my visions in any way.

That is clearly not the case. And this is not confirmation bias. It's too consistent and dramatic to be that. I've pretty much ruled that out.

Still a mystery, though.

Fortunately, I like mysteries.


  1. An interesting substance. I wonder if some experience bad trips, as happens with some other drugs?

  2. That's like asking "I wonder if that thirty foot Nile crocodile is unfriendly?"
    Salvia is the harshest of all hallucinogens. I've spoken to ppl that have taken LSD, mushrooms, DMT, and a few other things, and have tried salvia. No comparison. DMT is closest but less likely to give you a bad trip. So salvia is like dark DMT.

  3. Thing is, after a while you get to a point where even the really bad trips are at least tolerable, and you also not only get many good trips but the side-effects whenever you come out of any trip, which consist of amazing mental control and inner quiet and laser focus and concentration ability and inner awareness to the point where you can meditate on a fingertip and almost *become* the fingertip. The benefits far outweigh the occasional negative experiences.

    As to the bad, I can't decide which is worse, experiences where you get physically destroyed in any number of ways, like being ground to particles or stabbed with an ethereal sword or whatever, OR the few I've had where you SEE the TRUTH that you are the only single being in existence, and experience the Ultimate Loneliness of there being no-one else, knowing your whole waking life was a masturbatory illusion you convinced yourself of just to distract you from the dark insanity of being totally alone for all time.

    1. Not that that's really the truth, at least I'm hoping not, but when in one of those visions it is OBVIOUS and UNDOUBTABLE that it is. In those moments, you can't doubt it. It's too plain, to true at a glance. But then I wake up and re-think it, and re-convince myself that this life isn't a total mirage, that it can't be.

      If it is though, none of you are real. Just an FYI.

